20 Minute Decompression Party
Dates: Every Monday - Friday
Time: 5:10 PM - 5:30 PM Pacific Time (United States - PST)
Let's gather virtually in the evening for 20 minutes to gift ourselves a period of stillness and space to simply feel. We go through a range of feelings and emotions each day, and often, we move so fast from thing to thing that our body and nervous system are playing catch-up. Setting intentional time and space to fully allow ourselves to feel helps our body process and release those energies. Like the common phrase, "You gotta feel it to heal it."
Join me each weekday evening as I guide you through a mindfulness meditation designed to help you relax into the present moment, stop doing, and start being. This decompression and integration time is a great way to transition to the end your day.
Join Zoom Meeting Here:
Meeting ID: 873 1303 0602
Passcode: FeeltoHeal
Cost: Free to attend, but please have camera ON
These gatherings are free to attend. I only ask that you have your camera ON, at least for the beginning of the call, so I can see your gorgeous face. It helps create a feeling of safety and community when we can all see each other.
I will not be asking anyone to speak or introduce themselves. I will greet you all and then get right into it, guiding you through a 15 to 20-minute meditation. At the end of the meditation, you can hop off the call on your own. I will stay online for a little to see if anyone has questions or wants to share their experience.
This is not a therapy or support group. This is an invitation and an experiment to see what happens when we give ourselves time to simply feel each day.
May this practice blossom into something beautiful in your life.
Do I need to have meditation or mindfulness training to join?
You do not need to have mindfulness training beforehand, but it will definitely help. Join the group and give it a try. If you feel lost or if it feels too difficult, then it might be helpful to take my courses first.
Why only 20 minutes?
Twenty minutes can be a long time for beginners to meditate. I chose this length because it can easily fit into any schedule, and the typical work day ends at 5pm. My hope is that you will be able to join every week day, right after work, and have this become a beautiful self-care habit.
Do you accept donations?
Yes, I do. If my offerings bring value to your life, I happily accept a monetary exchange. You can Venmo me @Kristin-Yamaka. My profile picture is a Siamese cat. Thank you for your support!